Comer Makes Wild Claim Biden Has Been ‘Selling Access to Our Enemies For Decades’: He’s ‘Always Been Cash-Strapped’


House Oversight Committee Chairman Rep. James Comer (R-KY) was pressed by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) on his podcast Friday for evidence that President Joe Biden “has been selling access to our enemies for decades.”

“I think that Joe Biden has been selling access to our enemies for decades. I think that,” Comer declared as Cruz cut in.

“So let me stop you on that. You said he’s been selling access to our enemies for decades. That on the face of it, is an extraordinary statement,” interjected the Texas senator.

“What’s your basis for that?” Cruz asked.

“Basis is, you know, if you studied Joe Biden like I have, he’s always been cash-strapped,” Comer replied. Biden had long claimed he was among the poorest members of Congress.

“He’s never had a successful career in investing or anything like that. Then you look at the assets he’s accumulated on the Senate salary? It’s pretty, pretty impressive when you look at the upkeep to those assets. I believe that if we you know,” Comer added as Cruz jumped back in.

“So you are saying a classic Corvette doesn’t buy itself,” Cruz added.

“No,” Comer replied.

Politifact noted in 2019 that Biden’s “estimated net worth was -$947,987, based on official reports filed in 2015.” Biden left office in early 2016 and “Biden and his wife, Jill, made more than $15 million combined in 2017 and 2018. And the same month, the Washington Post reported that Biden has made millions of dollars largely from book deals and speaking fees for as much as $200,000 per speech,” added the fact checker.

Watch the full clip above.

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Alex Griffing is a Senior Editor at Mediaite. Send tips via email: Follow him on Twitter: @alexgriffing