Ted Cruz Proposes Law That Would Allow Citizens To Know If Their Air Fryer is Spying on Them


Have you ever been making air fryer fries at 3am and asked yourself “is this thing spying on me?” – Well worry no more because Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) has the answer.

First reported by the Daily Caller, Cruz took to the Senate floor on Tuesday to ask for support on the Informing Consumers about the Smart Devices Act which will require companies to notify customers of cameras and microphone in everyday appliances and devices.

According to the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation, Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) opposed Cruz’s request for unanimous consent on the bill.

“Today, internet-connected smart devices are commonly used in American households, light bulbs, mirrors, air fryers, coffeemakers, trash cans, kitchen faucets, refrigerators, and more are all becoming quote unquote, smart. And we’re able to control them with our phones or voice commands,” Cruz said.

“It’s expected that in a few years, nearly 70% of American households, more than 80 million households, will own at least one smart home product,” which the Senator noted was largely a good thing.

But, Cruz warned of a dire trade-off that could come with the convenience of these smart devices.

“One of the potential trade-offs is our privacy. In Texas, we’ve become very aware of that cost. The past few years, smart thermostats have allowed electric companies to control the temperature in your own home from afar in the name of conserving energy,” he said. “Furthermore, a lot of Americans don’t realize or expect that the growing number of smart household devices and appliances, have cameras on them, and microphones that can surreptitiously record families and transmit data.”

“In other words, when you’re buying a new refrigerator, you don’t expect your fridge to record you, or listen to you, or spy on you without your knowledge. And while some manufacturers have responsibly taken steps to more clearly label their products and to let consumers know they contain listening devices or cameras, others have not,” he added.

Cruz assured that the new bill will allow customers to be aware of what they are bringing into their home.

“I don’t think the American people want their air fryer spying on them. And at a minimum, they have a right to know if their air fryer is spying on them,” Cruz said.

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