Greg Kelly Warns Against Dangers of the Local News Graveyard Shift After Death of New York Meteorologist: ‘There’s Something Going On’


New York’s local CBS affiliate mourned the loss of meteorologist Elise Finch, who died on Sunday at 51. The cause of death was not provided, but it was stated that her death was “sudden and unexpected.” Newsmax’s Greg Kelly dedicated a segment to Finch and two other women who worked in local news and died suddenly, saying, “Something is going on here in New York City.”

Kelly spotlighted two more women who worked in local news in New York City, NBC’s Katherine Creag, 48, who died in 2021, and ABC’s Lisa Colagrossi, 49, who died in 2015. Both worked the “graveyard shift,” known as the early-early morning shift or the overnight shift, “showing up at 2:30 in the morning, going to far-flung parts of the city sometimes,” as Kelly described. He quoted a CDC study on shift work, which is not limited to local news:

Research indicates that shift work … increases health and safety risks by disturbing sleep and circadian rhythms and reducing time for family and non-work activities. … These immediate effects promote stress, fatigue, negative mood, discomfort, physiologic dysfunction, and poor health behaviors. … These in turn could lead to illnesses and injuries for the worker.

The similarities between the three women, all in their late 40s and early 50s, married mothers who worked the overnight shift in local news, are apparent. In addition to Finch, the deaths of both Creag and Colagrossi were described as sudden and/or unexpected. Colagrossi’s death was attributed to a brain hemorrhage that struck on her way back from covering a fire.

Kelly stated that while overnight shifts are “tough for everybody,” there was extra pressure on women in the news business, on their appearance, factoring in childcare, among other reasons:

Graveyard shifts are tough for everybody, but I think especially for women in television. It’s kind of a veneer of glamor, but it’s not really. The pay is not what you think it is for some of these roles in the early, early morning.

Watch the video above via Newsmax.

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