High School Teacher Unleashes EPIC Minnesota Sports Rant in Class: ‘YOU WERE BORN HERE, THIS IS YOUR CURSE!’


Teacher unleashes epic Minnesota sports rant

The superteam era of sports has kids rooting for someone different every night, that’s why we need our teachers reinforcing the importance of team loyalty now more than ever.

One die-hard Minnesota sports fan unleashed an absolutely epic rant to a class of eighth-graders, driving home the need to stay loyal to the Twin Cities’ local teams, regardless of how bleak their outlook gets.

“I’m not a fair weather fan who bails on their teams. YOU WERE BORN HERE, THIS IS YOUR CURSE!” the teacher shouted through a microphone. “Suck it up, join the party. The worst party in the history of mankind. But you’re in the party, you’re on the invite list. You can’t get out.”

The hilarious rant went viral on TikTok after it was posted by @therealmisspearson, who according to her bio is an eighth-grade teacher.

“You are a fan of Minnesota sports teams, you don’t have a choice,” the unnamed die-hard continues to rant while wearing an Adam Thielen jersey. “You can’t say, ‘Oh the Yankees are good.’ Nope, the Yankees are dead to all of us. We have to continue cheering for a team that spends $90 million when others are spending $350 million. We’re done! We’re done here.”

Harsh! There must be at least one Yankees fan in that class, because they’re seemingly everywhere.

It could be worse for Minnesota sports fans. New York is no party right now, especially for fans married to the Knicks, Mets and Jets combo. The Twins won more than 100 games not long ago and the Vikings made a couple of trips to the playoffs, despite mostly being a franchise stuck in mediocrity thanks to Kirk Cousins.

But no matter how bad it gets, you can count on at least one Minnesota fan sticking with his teams and leading others to follow him down a path of eventual disappointment and heartbreak.

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