Alan Dershowitz Tells Kilmeade Trump Prosecutor Jack Smith ‘Could’ Be Indicted Under KKK Statute For ‘Conspiring To Deny’ Trump’s Rights


Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz indicated during a recent Fox News Radio interview that Special Counsel Jack Smith could be indicted for denying former President Donald Trump his “Constitutional rights” under the Ku Klux Klan Statute

The Department of Justice is charging Trump for his efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election on January 6th. Dershowitz, who defended the former president during his first impeachment trial in the Senate, slammed Smith and the DOJ for the charges.

The renowned lawyer sat down with Brian Kilmeade on Thursday and claimed that the charges against Trump are so broad that even Smith could be face criminal charges because he deliberately leaves out key information in his indictment.

“The indictment is based on lies, and the indictment itself contains a blatant lie by Jack Smith. He describes the speech of January 6th,” Dershowtiz noted. “But he describes the speech in the indictment and deliberately and willfully leaves out the key words of the speech, namely that the president told his people to protest peacefully and patriotically.”

“By leaving out those words. It’s a lie by omission. And under the standards set out in the indictment, you know, Jack Smith could be indicted,” He added. “Theoretically, it’s not going to happen, obviously, under the Ku Klux Klan statute that he says any people who conspire to deny somebody their constitutional rights is guilty of a crime.”

Dershowitz continued on to say that he does not believe Smith should be indicted but used it as example to show the broadness of the indictment against Trump.

“That would mean that Jack Smith tried to deny Trump his constitutional rights in this indictment,” he continued. ” I make that point not to argue that Jack Smith should be indicted, of course not. To make the point that the indictment is so broad, so wide, so all encompassing, it could include so much political conduct.”

Watch above via Fox News on YouTube.

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